Mitigation from SQL Injection Attacks on Web Server using Open Web Application Security Project Framework

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

2 Department of Information System, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


SQL injection (SQLi) is one of the most common attacks against database servers and has the potential to threaten server services by utilizing SQL commands to change, delete, or falsify data. In this study, researchers tested SQLi attacks against websites using a number of tools, including Whois, SSL Scan, Nmap, Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Zap, and SQL Map. Then, researchers identified SQLi vulnerabilities on the tested web server. Next, researchers developed and implemented mitigation measures to protect the website from SQLi attacks. Test results using OWASP Zap identified 14 vulnerabilities, with five of them at a medium level of 35%, seven at a low level of 50%, and two at an informational level of 14%. Meanwhile, testing using SQL Map succeeded in gaining access to the database and username on the web server. The next step in this research is to provide recommendations for installing a firewall on the website as a mitigation measure to reduce the risk of SQLi attacks. The main contribution of this research is the development of a structured methodology to identify and address SQLi vulnerabilities in web servers, which play an important role in maintaining data security and integrity in a rapidly evolving online environment.

Graphical Abstract

Mitigation from SQL Injection Attacks on Web Server using Open Web Application Security Project Framework


Main Subjects

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