Numerical Modeling of Sediment-flow around Obstacle Inspired by Marine Sponges: Considering Body Configurations

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Coral reefs are exposed to extinction due to the sediment blocking through coral colonies. In this condition, there is no practical solution that originates from nature. Among all aquatic animals, marine tubular sponges have marvelous mechanisms. These natural creatures can inspire the design of a device for managing sediment-flow hydrodynamics. They suck flow from body perforation and pump water and undigested materials from the top outlet. Therefore, coinciding with receiving nutrients, the flow becomes circulated. This may help the momentum transfer through the coral colonies. In the current study, a synthetic sponge by motivating the tubular sponges was designed. Synthetic sponges’ suction/pumping discharge was constant at 150 L/h. They have a body diameter of 8 and 15 cm and a height of 20 cm. The perforation area distribution changes to understand how it may influence sediment-flow hydrodynamics. The numerical modeling based on Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations and image processing technique (surface LIC) were deployed to determine the vortical flow patterns. Results confirmed that choosing the best body perforation configuration and area distribution can generate the dipole vortex. In this condition, a tornado combines with dipole and erodes the sediments to ≈ 30% near the bed. Moreover, the sediment concentration reduces to ≈ 20%  in the water column at X/D =1. In this condition, it can be observed that the emergence of specific vorticities and re-circulations develops the suspension of particles. Therefore, the synthetic sponge with precise design can be practical for enhancing the momentum transferring and preventing pollutant blockage among coral colonies.


Main Subjects

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