Comprehensive Framework of Influential Factors on Innovation Ecosystem Resilience: Using Meta-Synthesis and Structural Equation Modelling

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran


Resilience of the innovation ecosystem as a driving force of knowledge-based economies, provides relative stability against environmental disruptions. Currently, finding a comprehensive framework of factors influencing innovation ecosystem resilience is a major concern of policymakers to effectively select policies of resilience improvement. This research analyzes and presents a comprehensive framework of factors influencing innovation ecosystem resilience by using meta-synthesis approach, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. These factors include Adaptability, Innovation Management, Recovery Capability, Culture, Resource, Robustness, Strategic Planning, and Vulnerability. In this paper, Iranian Power Innovation Ecosystem is considered as a case study. The computational results indicate that vulnerability and adaptability are the most influential factors on innovation ecosystem resilience, while recovery capacity and resiliency culture are less impactful factors. The innovative aspects of this study include the use of meta-Synthesis method for systematic review, content analysis, and categorization of influential factors, as well as the presentation of a comprehensive framework based on factor analysis and structural modelling. The findings of this research assist innovation ecosystem policymakers in evaluating various factors and planning accordingly to achieve their desired goals based on the aforementioned framework.

Graphical Abstract

Comprehensive Framework of Influential Factors on Innovation Ecosystem Resilience: Using Meta-Synthesis and Structural Equation Modelling


Main Subjects

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