Сomprehensive Assessment Production Efficiency of Electric Rope Shovel through Operator Qualification Criteria

Document Type : Saint Petersburg Mining University (SPMU) 2024


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Russia


The article examines methods for assessing the efficiency of electric mining excavators, emphasizing the inseparability of operational efficiency from the operator-machine ergatic system. It reviews methods for evaluating operator skills via experimental data and proposes a comprehensive approach to assess the excavator's operational efficiency and the operator's skill level. This method includes analyzing the machine's operating time and energy efficiency using a simulator, thereby offering a novel perspective on the dynamic interaction between human operators and automated systems. With the working cycle's duration measured by the ratio of average to nominal cycle times, and energy efficiency assessed through the comparison of specific energy consumption to theoretical values. The findings suggest prioritizing reductions in operating cycle time for suboptimal machine control and focusing on improving bucket fill rates to enhance energy efficiency. Moreover, the study underscores the potential for utilizing these methodologies in real-world applications, aiming to optimize the utilization of mining equipment and thereby significantly contribute to the advancement of operational methodologies in the mining sector.

Graphical Abstract

Сomprehensive Assessment Production Efficiency of Electric Rope Shovel through Operator Qualification Criteria


Main Subjects

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