Data Consumption Analysis by Two Ordinal Multivariate Control Charts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


The process quality is described by one or more important factors called multivariate processes. Contingency tables used to demonstrate the relevance between these factors and modeled by log-linear model. There are also two types of statistical variables that are nominal and ordinal. In this paper, the variables are ordinal and two new control charts have been used to monitor the process of analyzing subscribers' consumption. These two multivariate ordinal chart are the MR chart and the multivariate ordinal categorical (MOC) used to monitor processes based on the ordinal log-linear model in Phase II. In addition, with a real numerical example, about analyzing the internet usage of mobile subscribers, two control charts are drawn and compared with each other in terms of average run length. In this case, we focus on customer behavior and in real action, by marketing department, changing in data consumption has been seen and analyzed. The study of the two proposed charts was performed using simulation based on real example in different situation, and the MOC performed relatively better.


Main Subjects

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