Detecting Fake Websites Using Swarm Intelligence Mechanism in Human Learning


1 Department of Computer Engineering, Kerman branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran

2 Department of Computer Engineering, Bardsir branch, Islamic Azad University, Bardsir, Iran


The internet and its various services have made users to easily communicate with each other. Internet benefits including online business and e-commerce. E-commerce has boosted online sales and online auction types. Despite their many uses and benefits, the internet and their services have various challenges, such as information theft, which challenges the use of these services. Information theft or phishing attacks are internet attacks that are major approach to success it is social engineering that the phisher has used. In these types of attacks, the attacker deceives the users and steals their valuable information by using a fake website that looks like real websites. The damage caused by fake websites and phishing attacks is so high that researchers are trying to identify these types of websites in different ways. So far, various methods have been developed to identify phishing web sites which most of them based on data- mining and learning machine are trying to identify these malicious websites. Artificial neural network is a data-mining method for identifying phishing websites which is used in most studies; however the error rate of this can be significant in detecting these websites, so learning-based optimization algorithm is used as a Swarm intelligence algorithm to reduce its error. In the proposed method, the error rate of multi-layer artificial neural network in detecting phishing websites is considered as a target function which minimized by using learning-based optimization algorithm. In the proposed method, learning- based optimization algorithm selects weights and bias of multi-layer artificial neural network optimally to minimize the error of clssification as an objective function. The datasets used to evaluate the proposed method are Phishing Websites explaind by others.  The results of evaluating phishing attack dataset indicate that the rate of error of fake website detection in the proposed method is constantly reduced by repetition. The results of our assessment also indicate that the average accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision of the proposed method are 93.42, 92.27, 93.19 and 92.78%, respectively. The decision tree and regression are more accurate in detecting fake websites than artificial neural network.


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