Numerical Survey of Vibrational Model for Third Aircraft based on HR Suspension System Actuator Using Two Bee Algorithm Objective Functions


1 mechanical engineering, shahid chamran university

2 Mechanical Engineering Department, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

3 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University


This research explains airplane model with two vertical vibrations for airframe and landing gear system. The purpose of this work is to advance vibrational model for study of adjustable vibration absorber and to plan Proportional-Integration-Derivative approach for adapting semi active control force. The coefficients of this method are modified as stated by Bee multiobjective optimization using minimizing accelerations and impact forces as objective functions. The consequences implies that the semi active shock absorber system based on artificial Bee colony improves passengers and ride comfort and fatigue life of fuselage, shock strut and tyre by reducing movement of body, suspension system and impact load in an important way compared to passive performance during touchdown phase with various sink speeds and runway surfaces for robustness and sensitivity investigation of optimization performance.
