Sampling Rate Conversion in the Discrete Linear Canonical Transform Domain


1 School of Information Communication, Beijing Information Science& Technology University

2 , University of Political Sciences Beijing


Sampling rate conversion (SRC) is one of important issues in modern sampling theory. It can be realized by up-sampling, filtering, and down-sampling operations, which need large complexity. Although some efficient algorithms have been presented to do the sampling rate conversion, they all need to compute the N-point original signal to obtain the up-sampling or the down-sampling signal in the time domain. Most of the published papers about the sampling rate conversion require the signal to be band limited in the Fourier transform domain, and there are few paper published related to the SRC in the linear canonical transform (LCT) domain. This paper investigates how to perform the SRC in the discrete linear canonical transform (DLCT) domain for integer and fractional rate conversion. The simulations are  performed to verify the correctness of the proposed results.
