A Noise-aware Deep Learning Model for Automatic Modulation Recognition in Radar Signals

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


Automatic waveform recognition has become an important task in radar systems and spread spectrum communications. Identifying the modulation of received signals helps to recognize different invader transmitters. In this paper, a noise aware model is proposed to recognize the modulation type based on time-frequency characteristics. To this end, Choi-Williams representation is used to obtain spatial 2D pattern of received signal. After that, a deep model is constructed to make signal clear from noise and extract robust and discriminative features from time-frequency pattern, based on auto-encoder and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). In order to reduce the effect of noise and adversarial disorders, a new database of different modulation patterns with different AWGN noises and fading Rayleigh channel is created which helps model to avoid the effects of noise on modulation recognition. Our database contains radar modulations such as Barker, LFM, Costas and Frank code which are known as frequently used modulations on wireless communication. Infact, the main novelty of this work is designing this database and proposing noise-aware model. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model achieves superior performance for automatic classification recognition with 99.24% of accuracy in noisy medium with minimum SNR of -5dB while the accuracy is 97.90% in SNR of -5dB and f=15 Hz of Doppler frequency. Our model outperforms 5.54% in negative and 0.4% in positive SNRs (even though with less SNR).


Main Subjects

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