An Experimental Investigation on Black Cotton Soil using Terrazyme

Document Type : Research Note


Civil Engineering Department S.V.N.I.T. Surat Gujarat India


The application of biodegradable substances for the improvement of weak soil has given better results in the field of geotechnical engineering. These substances are fermented and extracted from vegetation. It reduced the void ratio, thickness of absorbed water and maximize the compaction.   Terrazyme contains natural protein. It is non-toxic and eco-friendly. It is soluble in water. The black cotton soil is highly plastic with swelling potential. Reduction in moisture causes shrinking, leads to differential settlement of the foundation. This will results in damage to the structure. This paper presents experimental work on black cotton soil reinforced with Terrazyme. Various proportions of Terrazyme were mixed with black cotton soil to evaluate the engineering properties of soil. The change in index properties and strength parameters were assessed by experiments on treated and untreated soil. Atterberg limits, free swell index, compaction test, triaxial tests were performed. Experimental results show a reduction in liquid limit, plasticity index, free swell index, optimum moisture content, and compression index. Triaxial tests showed improvement in cohesion and angle of shearing resistance. The optimum dosage of Terrazyme was found 2% by weight of dry soil. 


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