The Post-disaster House: Simple Instant House using Lightweight Steel Structure, Bracing, and Local Wood Wall

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering, Udayana University, Bali Indonesia

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineerring, Udayana University, Bali Indonesia

3 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Bali Indonesia


Losing a house is the biggest threat to people during natural disasters, such as earthquakes that are frequent natural hazards in Indonesia. Post-disaster housing reconstruction becomes a construction challenge to build adequate houses contributing to personal safety, health and comfort. The invention of a simple ergonomic instant house using lightweight steel structure, bracing, and the local wood walls is urgently needed. This invention is proposed to provide quick and low-cost mass construction house which meet safety and comfort requirements. The house is designed in 6 meters by 3.5 meters while the height of the ceiling is 2.8 meters. The house's front side is equipped with a door and a window, while at the back is equipped with a window. The six criteria for appropriate technology are considered in the construction method. The criteria include technical, ergonomic, social and cultural, energy-saving systems, and environmentally friendly. The scheme of systemic, holistic, interdisciplinary and participatory (SHIP) is considered at stages of design, construction and maintenance. The structure system is analyzed with a 3D model of the finite element method using SAP-2000. The given questionnaires' feedback assesses the satisfaction of the residents living in the house. The conclusions are included in five substances: (1) The house materials are lightweight steels, bracings, and local wood; (2) The structure should meet the safety requirement; (3) The house satisfies the requirement of safety and health; (4) The residents are satisfied and positively improve their living conditions following the disaster; (5) The house satisfies a simple ergonomic house.


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