Convolutional Gating Network for Object Tracking

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Damghan University, Damghan, Semnan, Iran


Object tracking through multiple cameras is a popular research topic in security and surveillance systems especially when human objects are the target. However, occlusion is one of the challenging problems for the tracking process. This paper proposes a multiple-camera-based cooperative tracking method to overcome the occlusion problem.  The paper presents a new model for combining convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which allows the proposed method to learn the features with high discriminative power and geometrical independence. In the training phase, the CNNs are first pre-trained in each of the camera views, and a convolutional gating network (CGN) is simultaneously pre-trained to produce a weight for each CNN output. The CNNs are then transferred to the tracking task where the pre-trained parameters of the CNNs are re-trained by using the data from the tracking phase. The weights obtained from the CGN are used in order to fuse the features learnt by the CNNs and the resulting weighted combination of the features is employed to represent the objects. Finally, the particle filter is used in order to track objects. The experimental results showed the efficiency of the proposed method in this paper.


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