An Analytical Model for Flame Propagation through Moist Lycopodium Particles with Non-unity Lewis Number


1 Engineering Department, The Australian National University (ANU)

2 , Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)

3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of E, Arak University


In this investigation, the structure of one-dimensional flame propagation in uniform cloud of volatile organic particles has been analyzed in which the structure of flame is divided into three zones. The first zone is preheat zone which is divided into three subzones itself. In first subzone (heating), particle cloud heated until the moisty particles reach to vapor vaporization temperature. In the next subzone (drying), particle moisture comes out, and in the final subzone the pyrolysis phenomena happens. The second zone is reaction zone, and the last zone is post-flame zone. In this research, an analytical method is used in order to solve the governing equations of particle cloud combustion in aforementioned zones. The overall investigation of this study leads to a non-linear burning velocity correlation. Consequently, the results show that increase in particle moisture content, equivalence ratio and Lewis number causes to increase in devolatization rates which culminate to increase in flame temperature and burning velocity.
