Pupil Center Detection Using Radial Symmetry Transform to Measure Pupil Distance in the Eye

Document Type : INCITEST 2024 Indonesia


Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


In patients with refractive errors or impaired vision, light rays received by the pupil do not fall directly onto the retina. This can be corrected by wearing monocled glasses. The focal point of the eyeglass lens needs to be adjusted to the center of the user's pupil. This can be known through the measured pupil distance (PD) value information. The measurement of the PD is very important to determine the center distance of the pupils in both eyes. where the eye does not experience the prism effect. This study aims to apply the radial symmetry transformation (RST) method combined with self-quotient (SQI) imagery to detect the pupillary center and measure PD. This algorithm combines to get more optimal results in detecting the center of the pupil in dark conditions or those exposed to shadow illumination. The program created using the MATLAB software simulates PD measurements for pupillary center detection in bright and dark images conditions. The test was carried out ten times, and the results showed that the system was able to measure PD on low-resolution images of 300 x 300 pixels at 72 dpi in bright image conditions; with measurement uncertainty values in each image of 0.60 mm. As for testing on dark images, the uncertainty values are 0.80 mm. In this case, the standard deviation value is obtained from the effect of the different dimensions of the face object on the tested image.


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